
  1. Recent Advances in Non-relativistic Quantum Gravity, presentation given at the on-line topical conference Miami 2021, December 2021

  2. Advances in Non-relativistic Quantum Gravity, presentation given at the conference Strings, Branes and Holograms, Ascona (Switzerland), October 2021

  3. Non-relativistic NS-NS Gravity, presentation given at the Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Gravity and String Theory, Corfu, September 2021

  4. Non-relativistic Gravity and Supergravity, on-line presentation given at the XXVIIIth International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2021), Bejing (China), August 2021

  5. Subtleties of Non-relativistic String Theory, on-line presentation given at the 5th International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approach, Hanoi (Vietnam), August 2021

  6. Non-relativistic Limits of General Relativity}, on-line presentation given at the conference GSI'21 Learning Geometric Structures, Paris, July 2021

  7. Surprises with Non-Relativistic String Theory, presentation given at the on-line meeting Challenges in String and Supersymmetric Cosmology at the occasion of the international Franqui chair awarded to Ignatios Antoniadis, Leuven, July 2021

  8. Non-relativistic Limit of NS-NS Gravity, presentation given via Zoom at the conference Miami 2020,Fort Lauderdale (USA), December 2020

  9. New Developments in Non-relativistic String Theory, presentation given via Zoom at the 4th International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approach, Hanoi (Vietnam), August 2020

  10. New Developments in Non-relativistic String Theory, presentation given at the 9th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok (Thailand), January 2020

  11. New Avenues in Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the conference Physics@Veldhoven 2020, Veldhoven, January 2020

  12. Non-relativistic String Theory and Branes, presentation given at the conference VIII Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone, Bariloche (Argentina) and Valdivia (Chile), December 2019

  13. Non-relativistic String Theory and Branes, presentation given at the workshop Beyond Lorentzian Geometry, Edinburgh, October 2019

  14. Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the 10th Aegean Summer School Recent Developments in Theory and Observations in Gravity and Cosmology, Syros (Greece), September 2019

  15. Non-relativistic String Theory, presentation given at the Humboldt Kolleg on Frontiers in Physics: From the Electroweak to the Planck Scales}, Corfu (Greece), September 2019

  16. The Different Faces of Branes in Double Field Theory, presentation given at the Lorentz workshop Singularities and Horizons: From Black Holes to Cosmology, Leiden (The Netherlands), June 2019

  17. String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the meeting Effective Theories of Quantum Phases of Matter, Nordita, Stockholm (Sweden), May 2019

  18. The Different Faces of Branes in Double Field Theory, presentation given at the Banff workshop Geometrical Tools for String Cosmology, Oaxaca (Mexico), May 2019

  19. String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the meeting Current topics in String theory at NISER, Bhubaneswar (India), on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Sudhakar Panda, March 2019

  20. String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the Third Mandelstam Theoretical Physics School and Workshop: Recent Advances in AdS/CFT, Durban (South-Africa), January 2019

  21. String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the 8th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok (Thailand), January 2019

  22. String Theory and Nonrelativistic Gravity, presentation given at the Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, Miami, December 2018

  23. String Theory and Nonrelativistic Gravity, plenary talk given at the Chilean National Physics Conference, Antofagasta (Chile), November 2018

  24. Newton-Cartan Gravity, mini-course given at the Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile), November 2018

  25. String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, presentation given at the occasion of the emeritaat of Antoine Van Proeyen, Leuven, Belgium, September 2018

  26. Newton-Cartan Gravity for Particles and Strings, presentation given at the Fifth Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (POTOR), Wojanow Palace (Poland), September 2018

  27. Nonrelativistic String Theory and T-Duality, presentation given at the at the workshop Dualities and Generalized Geometries, Corfu (Greece), September 2018

  28. An Introduction to Non-relativistic Gravity, plenary talk given at the Spanish-Portuguese Relativist Meeting (EREP) 2018, Palencia (Spain), September 2018

  29. Nonrelativistic String Theory and T-Duality, presentation given at the international conference Quantum Field Theory and Gravity QFTG'18, Tomsk (Russia), August 2018

  30. Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, presentation given at the 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group32), Prague (Czechoslovakia), July 2018

  31. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, presentation given at the Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15, Rome (Italy), July 2018

  32. Newton-Cartan Gravity for Particles and Strings, pedagogical keynote seminar given at the 11th Taiwan string conference, NCTS, Taiwan, June 2018

  33. Nonrelativistic String Theory and T-Duality, presentation given at the Conference on Symmetries, Geometry and Quantum Gravity, Primosten (Croazia), June 2018

  34. Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, presentation given at the workshop Geometry, Duality and Strings 2018, Murcia (Spain), May 2018

  35. Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, presentation given at the workshop Exceptional Field Theories, Strings and Holography, College Station (USA), April 2018

  36. Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, presentation given at the 7th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok Thailand, January 2018

  37. Brane Wess-Zumino terms and String Theory, presentation given at the workshop String Dualities and Geometry, Centro Atomico Bariloche (Argentina), January 2018

  38. Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, presentation given at the Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, Miami, December 2017 

  39. Torsional Newton-Cartan Geometry, presentation given at the 3rd Conference on Geometric Science of Information, Paris, November 2017

  40. Branes, Duality Symmetries and Mixed-symmetry Potentials, presentation given at the workshop Noncommutative Geometry, Duality and Quantum Gravity, Kyoto University (Japan), September 2017

  41. Non-relativistic Limits and Massive Gravity, presentation given at The Great American Solar Eclipse Physics Conference, at the occasion of the 69th birthday of Thomas Curtright, Columbia (USA), August 2017

  42. Non-relativistic Limits and Massive Gravity, presentation given at the International Workshop Supersymmetries & Quantum Symmetries – SQS'2017, Dubna (Russia), August 2017

  43. Branes, Wrapping Rules and Mixed-symmetry Potentials, presentation given at the conference Recent Advances in T/U-dualities and Generalized Geometries, Zagreb (Croatia), June 2017

  44. Beyond Newton-Cartan Gravity, presentation given at the Ginzburg Centennial Conference on Physics, Moscow, June 2017

  45. Newton-Cartan Geometry and Torsion, presentatoin given at the 1st Endogamic Micro-Workshop on Gravity, Supergravity and Superstrings (GRASS), Madrid, May 2017

  46. Newton-Cartan Geometry and Torsion, presentation given at the conference Supergravity, Strings and Dualities, at the occasion of the 60th birhtday of Chris Hull, London, April 2017

  47. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, colloquium given during the workshop Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, Stony Brook (USA), March 2017

  48. Taking Limits of General Relativity, talk given at the 11th Nordic String Theory Meeting 2017, Hannover (Germany), February 2017

  49. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the 6th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok, January 2017

  50. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, presentation given at A topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology, Miami (USA), December 2016

  51. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the workshop Dualities in supergravities, strings and branes, College Station (USA), April 2016

  52. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the Simons workshop Flat Holography, Stony Brook (USA), April 2016

  53. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the Sixth Quantum Universe Symposium (QU6), Groningen, March 2016

  54. Curiosities with Three-dimensional Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given at the  Workshop on Topics in Three Dimensional Gravity, Trieste (Italy), March 2016

  55. Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry: a Pedagogical Review, talk given at the Nordic String Meeting 2016, Bremen (Germany), March 2016

  56. A new look at Newton-Cartan Gravity, talk given at the Memorial Meeting for Professor Abdus Salam's 90th Birthday, Singapore, January 2016

  57. Supergravity and the Cosmological Constant, talk given at the 5th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok, January 2016

  58. A Schrödinger approach to Newton-Cartan gravity, talk given at the conference A topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology, Miami, December 2015

  59. A new perspective on Newton-Cartan gravity, plenary talk given at the 2nd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity: 100 Years of General Relativity, Warschau (Poland), November 2015

  60. Running at Non-relativistic Speed, talk given at Symmetries in Particles and Strings, a conference to celebrate the 70th birthday of Quim Gomis, Barcelona, September 2015

  61. Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given at the International Workshop Supersymmetries & Quantum Symmetries - SQS’2015, Dubna (Russia), August 2015

  62. Volkov-Akulov Supergravity, Anti D3-Brane and Spontaneously Broken Supersymmetry, talk given at the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14, Rome, July 2015

  63. Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given at the workshop Higher Spins and Holography, Istanbul, June 2015

  64. The Volkov-Akulov Action, the D3-brane and Spontaneously Broken Supersymmetry, talk given at the Gordon Research conference String Theory & Cosmology, Hong Kong, June 2015

  65. Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given at the workshop Strings, Branes and Holography, Mitchel Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station (USA), April 2015

  66. Supergravity, Non-Geometric Fluxes and Double Field Theory, talk given at the 4th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, Bangkok (Thailand), January 2015

  67. New Developments in Three-Dimensional Gravity, talk given at the Stringy Days: Conference on String Theory at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune (India), December 2014

  68. Supergravity, Non-Geometric Fluxes and Double Field Theory, invited lecture given at the Indian Strings Meeting ISM2014, Puri (India),  December 2014

  69. Exotic Branes and Non-Geometric Fluxes, invited lecture given at the  international workshop Exceptional Symmetries and Emerging Spacetime, Singapore, November 2014

  70. New Developments in Three-Dimensional Gravity, talk given at the conference NEB 16- Recent Developments in Gravity, GR@GR, Mykonos (Greece), September 2014

  71. New Developments in Three-Dimensional Gravity, plenary speaker at the conference Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity 2014, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy), September 2014

  72. New Developments in Three-dimensional Gravity, talk given at the research programme Quantum Gravity, Black Holes and Strings, KITPC, Beijing (China), June 2014

  73. Non-geometric Fluxes from Exotic Branes, talk given at the conference Recent Developments in Supergravity, Istanbul (Turkey), June 2014

  74. 3D Born-Infeld Gravity and Supersymmetry, talk given at the conference Recent Developments in Supergravity, Istanbul (Turkey), June 2014

  75. Branes and String Geometry, talk given at the research programme Quantum Gravity, Black Holes and Strings, KITPC, Beijing (China), May 2014

  76. Branes and String Geometry, talk given at the 2nd Meeting on ‘Gauge theory, Supergravity and Superstrings’, Palencia (Spain), May 2014

  77. Branes and Stringy Geometry, talk given at the YITP molecule-type workshop on Exotic Structures of Spacetime, Kyoto (Japan), March 2014

  78. Gauging Non-relativistic Spacetime Algebras, talk given at the 3d Bangkok workshop on high-energy theory, Bangkok (Thailand), January 2014

  79. The Branes of Supergravity, talk given at the workshop Aspects of Supergravity, on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, Stony Brook (USA), January 2014

  80. Newton-Cartan Supergravity, talk given at the “Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics and Cosmology” (Miami 2013), Miami, December 2013

  81. New Symmetries, talk given at the 57th Colloque International de Théories Variationnelles, Aix-en-Provence, France, August 2013

  82. Newton-Cartan Supergravity, talk given at the international workshop Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS’2013), Dubna, Russia, July 2013

  83. Brane Inspired Supergravity, talk given at the workshop Superspace and Quantum Gravity, at the occasion of the 60t birthday of Paul Howe, Uppsala, Sweden, May 2013

  84. A New Road to Massive Gravity, talk given at the Symposium Trends in Theory 2013 of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics, Dalfsen, 16 - 17 May 2013

  85. Massive Gravity, talk given at the GGI workshop Higher Spins, Strings and Duality, Firenze (Italy), May 2013

  86. Vector Branes, talk given at the meeting Branes, Strings and Higher Derivatives, Texas A&M, College Station, USA, April 2013

  87. Vector Branes, talk given at the workshop Breaking of Supersymmetry and Ultraviolet 6 Divergencies in Extended Supergravity (BUDS), Frascati (Italy), March 2013

  88. Newton-Cartan Supergravity, talk given at the occasion of the Toine 60 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, March 2013

  89. Branes, Weights and Wrapping Rules, talk given at the Nordic String Meeting, Hamburg (Germany), February 2013

  90. A Short Review of New Massive Gravity and Massive Gravity: a Progress Report, two talks given at the Bangkok Workshop on Gravity, Gauge Theories, Matrices and Strings, Bangkok (Thailand), January 2013

  91. Newton-Cartan Supergravity, talk given at the “Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics, and Cosmology”, Miami, December 2012

  92. Heterotic Brane Wrapping Rules, talk given at the XVIII European Workshop on String Theory, Corfu (Greece), September 2012

  93. A New Road to Massive Gravity?, talk given at the Corfu Summer Institute: Particles and the Universe, Corfu (Greece), September 2012

  94. Massive Gravity and Supersymmetry, talk given at the “Workshop on Higher Spin Gravities and Related Topics”, Mons (Belgium), September 2012

  95. Massive Gravity and Supersymmetry, talk given at the 41st International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles “Recent Developments in String and Field Theory”, Schmöckwitz (Germany), August 2012

  96. New Massive Gravity and other Massive Deformations of General Relativity, talk given at the LatinoAmerican Workshop on High Energy Physics: Particles and Strings, Havana (Cuba), July 2012

  97. New Developments in Massive Gravity, talk given at the Paulfest, Cambridge, July 2012

  98. A New Road to Massive Gravity?, talk given at the Ginzburg Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 2012

  99. Massive Higher-Derivative Gravity, talk given at the workshop Higher Spin Gravity, Vienna, April 2012

  100. A Gravity Realization of LCFT’s in Two Dimensions and Beyond, talk given at the workshop Conformal Field Theories Beyond Two Dimensions, College Station (USA), March 2012

  101. New Massive Gravity: beyond 3D, talk given at the Bangkok mini-workshop on String Cosmology, Bangkok (Thailand), February 2012

  102. New Massive Gravity: beyond 3D, talk given at the Iberian Strings 2012 conference, Bilbao (Spain), February 2012

  103. New Massive Dual Gravity: beyond 3D, talk given at the topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology Miami 2011, Miami (USA), December 2011

  104. Branes and Wrapping Rules, talk given at the XVII European Workshop on String Theory 5 2011, Padua (Italy), September 2011

  105. Wrapping Branes and T-duality, talk given at the 7th international conference Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS-7), Prague, August 2011

  106. Wrapping Branes and T-duality, talk given at the conference Istanbul 2011: Strings, Branes and Supergravity, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2011

  107. Branes, Duality and Doubled Geometry, talk given at the international workshop Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS-2011), Dubna, Russia, July 2011

  108. Dual Doubled Geometry, talk given at the String-Math 2011 conference, Philadelphia (USA), June 2011, see

  109. Modes of Log Gravity, talk given at the 27th Nordic Network Meeting Strings, Fields and Branes, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2011

  110. Branes, Supergravity and T-duality, talk given at the IberianStrings 2011 conference, Valencia, Spain, February 2011

  111. Newtonian Gravity and the Bargmann Algebra, talk given at the topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology Miami 2010, Miami (USA), December 2010

  112. Snaar Theorie, talk given at the FMF symposium “Thursday’s Universe” or how the quantum created the cosmos, Groningen, November 2010

  113. D-Branes and Doubled Geometry, talk given at the 26th Nordic Network Meeting Strings, Fields and Branes, Gotheborg, Sweden, October 2010

  114. Gravity and Strings, talk given at the symposium Deeltjesfysica, Eindhoven, October 2010

  115. Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the Crete Conference on Gauge Theories and the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymvary, Crete, September 2010

  116. Quantum Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the Spanish Relativity Meeting - ERE 2010 Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics, Granada (Spain), September 2010

  117. Massive (Super-)Gravities in Three Dimensions, talk given at the III Miniworkshop String Theory 2010, Oviedo (Spain), June 2010

  118. Massive (Super-)Gravity and AdS Vacua, talk given at the Solvay workshop Symmetries and Dualities in Gravitational Theories, Bruxelles (Belgium), May 2010

  119. New Massive Gravity, talk given at the CECS Summer Workshop on Theoretical Physics, Valdivia (Chile), January 2010

  120. Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology Miami 2009, Miami (USA), December 2009

  121. New Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the Spanish Relativity Meeting - ERE 2009 Gravitation in the Large, Bilbao (Spain), September 2009

  122. Massive 3D (Super-)Gravity, talk given at the 12th Marcell Grossmann Meeting, Paris (France), July 2009

  123. (Super-)Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the XXV Max Born Symposium “The Planck Scale”, Wroclaw (Poland), June 29 - July 3 2009

  124. New Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the 4th International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow (Russia), May 2009

  125. Gauging Supergravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the ESI Workshop on Gravity in Three Dimensions, Vienna (Austria), April 2009

  126. Supersymmetry in Three Dimensions, lecture given at the topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology Miami 2008, Miami (USA), December 2008

  127. New Results on Multiple M2-Branes, lecture given at the 22nd Nordic Network Meeting on “Strings, Fields and Branes, Stockholm (Sweden), November 2008

  128. The Superconformal Gaugings in Three Dimensions, lecture given at the 4-th EU RTN Workshop Contituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe, Varna (Bulgaria), September 2008

  129. Multiple M2-branes and the Embedding Tensor, lecture given at the “Kellyfest” Gravity, Supersymmetry and Branes, London, April 2008

  130. A Q–world of Branes, lecture given at the XIIIth IFT–UAM/CSIC Christmas workshop, Madrid, December 2007

  131. The Kac-Moody Approach to Supergravity, lecture given at the Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Fort Lauderdale (USA), December 2007

  132. What can we learn about supergravity from E11?, lecture given at the International Conference on Symmetries in String Theory, Ascona (Switserland), August 2007

  133. What can we learn about supergravity from E11?, lecture given at the Istanbul 2007 conference on Strings, Branes and Cosmology, Ko¸c University, Istanbul (Turkey), July 2007

  134. What can we learn about supergravity from E11?, lecture given at the Pre-strings 2007 workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and Branes, Granada (Spain), June 2007

  135. E11 from a Supergravity Point of View, lecture given at the workshop String and M theory Approaches to Particle Physics and Cosmology, Firenze (Italy), April 2007

  136. D = 11 Supergravity and E11, lecture given at the Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, Coral Gables and Key Biscayne (USA), December 2006

  137. Seven–branes in IIB supergravity, lecture given at the workshop M-theory in the City, London (United Kingdom), November 2006

  138. The Symmetries of M–Theory, plenary lecture given at the XV International Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, September 2006

  139. IIB Seven–branes Revisited, talk given at the XXIX Spanish Relativity Meeting E.R.E. 2006, Mallorca (Spain), September 2006

  140. An Index for the Dirac Operator on D3 Branes with Background Fluxes, talk given at the network meeting Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe, Corfu (Greece), September 2005

  141. Ten-dimensional Supergravity Revisited, talk given at the XVIII Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE 2005 A Century of Relativity Physics, Oviedo (Spain), September 2005

  142. Ten-dimensional Supergravity Revisited, talk given at the SQS’05 conference Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries, Dubna (Russia), July 2005

  143. Brane Solutions of Gravity-dilaton-axion Systems, talk given at the XIVth Max Born Symposium, Wroclaw (Poland), September 28-30, 2004

  144. Brane Solutions of Gravity-dilaton-axion Systems, talk given at the 28th Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2004), September 23-25, Miraflores (Spain)

  145. Multiple Domain Walls and CSO-gauged Supergravities, talk given at the mini-conference The status of M-theory, Ann Arbor (USA), April 5-7, 2004

  146. The Bianchi Classification of Maximal D = 8 Gauged Supergravities, talk given at the 36th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles Recent Developments in String/M-theory and Field Theory, Berlin, August 2003

  147. Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given at the workshop The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometrical Nature of Fundamental Interactions, Leuven (Belgium), September 2002, Belgium

  148. Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given at the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP ’02, Amsterdam, July 2002

  149. Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given at the XXV International Workshop of the Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory Geometrical and Topological Ideas in Modern Physics, Protvino (Russia), June 2002

  150. Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given at the Third International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow (Russia), June 2002

  151. Three issues in M5-brane Theory, talk given at the 14th Nordic Network Meeting, Stockholm (Sweden), 15-17 November 2001

  152. Supersymmetry in Singular Spaces, pedagogical lecture given at the workshop of the RTN programme The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions, Corfu (Greece), September 2001

  153. The Mathematical Formulation of the M5–brane, talk given at the Workshop on Special Geometric Structures in String Theory, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bonn (Germany), September 2001

  154. Superbranes and -Symmetry: An Introduction, talk given at the 12th Nordic Network Meeting Supersymmetric Field and String Theories, November 16-18, 2000, Göteborg, Sweden

  155. Non-Abelian Born-Infeld and Kappa-Symmetry, talk given at the Euroconference on Quan- 2 tum Fields and Strings, 9-15 September, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece

  156. Non-Abelian Born-Infeld and Kappa-Symmetry, talk given at the international conference Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory, dedicated to the 75th birthday of Professor Dmitrij Volkov, 25-29 July, Kharkov, Ukraine

  157. Non-Abelian Born-Infeld and Kappa-Symmetry, talk given at the Strings 2000 conference, 10-15 July, Ann Arbor, USA

  158. Non-Abelian Born-Infeld and Kappa-Symmetry, talk given at the ninth Marcell Grossmann meeting Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, 2-8 July, Rome, Italy

  159. TheM5-Brane and Noncommutative Loop Space, presented at the second Gürsey Memorial Conference M-Theory and Dualities, June 2000, Istanbul, Turkey

  160. The M5-Brane and Noncommutative Loop Space, presented at the SPG meeting String Theory and Realistic Field Theory, June 2000, London, United Kingdom

  161. The M5-Brane and Noncommutative Loop Space, plenary talk presented at the international conference Quantization, Gauge Theories and Strings, dedicated to the memory of Professor Efim Fradkin, June 2000, Moscow, Russia

  162. Domain-Wall/QFT Dualities in Diverse Dimensions, presented at the XIV Max Born Symposium: New Symmetries and Integrable Systems, September 1999, Karpacz, Poland

  163. Domain-Wall/QFT Dualities in Diverse Dimensions, presented at the international workshop Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS-99), July 1999, Dubna, Russia

  164. Solitons and Extended Objects, plenary talk presented at the XIV international workshop High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (QFTHEP’99), May 1999, Moscow, Russia

  165. Solitons and Extended Objects, presented at the 22nd Utrecht-Paris-Rome Triangle Meeting on Theoretical High Energy Physics: Gauge Theory, Strings and Gravity, May 1999, Utrecht

  166. Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges, presented at the workshop Conformal Field Theory of D-Branes, September 1998, DESY, Hamburg, Germany

  167. Domain Walls and Spacetime-Filling Branes, presented at the 32th International Symposium on the Theory of Elementary particles, September 1998, Buckow, Germany

  168. On M-9-Branes, presented at the Classical and Quantum Gravity One Day Meeting, May 1998, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

  169. Massive Fivebranes, presented at the Trieste conference Super Five Branes and Physics in 5 + 1 Dimensions, April 1998, Trieste, Italy

  170. New results on the Worldvolume Theory of Branes, presented at the III U.A.M. Christmas Workshop on Particle Physics, December 1997, Madrid, Spain

  171. Massive Branes and Gauged Sigma Models, presented at the 31th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, September 1997, Buckow, Germany

  172. Kappa-symmetry, Supersymmetry and Intersecting Branes, presented at Strings ’97, June 1997, Amsterdam, The Netherland

  173. Are Membranes better than Strings?, presented at the Symposium Trends in Theory ’97 of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics, Dalfsen, June 1997, The Netherlands

  174. Actions for D–Branes and M–Branes, presented at the conference Strings ’96 , “Current Trends in String Theory”, July 1996, Santa Barbara, USA

  175. Effective Actions of p–Branes, D–Branes and M–Branes, presented at the Workshop on Gauge Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity, July 1996, London, United Kingdom

  176. New Results on Dirichlet–Branes, presented at the Second International Sakharov Conference on Physics, May 1996, Moscow, Russia

  177. Duality Symmetries and the Type II String Effective Action, presented at the conference Constrained Systems and Quantum Gravity, July 1995, JINR, Dubna, Russia

  178. Duality Symmetries and the Type II String Effective Action, presented at the conference S–Duality and Mirror Symmetry, June 1995, Trieste, Italy

  179. T–Duality and the Type II String Effective Action, presented at the conference Strings ’95, March 1995, Los Angeles, USA

  180. Duality and the String Effective Action, presented at the XXVIII International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, September 1994, Wendisch-Rietz, Germany

  181. Exact Duality in String Effective Action, presented at the Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, July 1994, Stanford, USA

  182. New Formulations of Super p–Branes, presented at the workshop Membranes and Higher- Dimensional Extended Objects, March 1994, Cambridge, United Kingdom

  183. Exact Duality in String Effective Action, presented at the VIth Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, February 1994, Islamabad, Pakistan

  184. Noncritical W–strings and Minimal Models, presented at the III International Conference on Mathematical Physics, String Theory and Quantum Gravity, June 1993, Alushta, Ukraine

  185. Supersymmetric String Waves, presented at the Journées Relativistes ’93, March 1993, Brussels, Belgium

  186. Recent Developments in W–Gravity, presented at the Vth Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, December 1991, Edirne, Turkey

  187. Super–W Algebras, presented at the workshop Superstrings and Related Topics, August 1991, Trieste, Italy

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